Talking at 12 months? This is how


Pssssst. Do you want to get your baby speaking before all the other babies do? 

You've heard me talk a lot about you learning your baby's language. 

In fact, much of my Baby in Tune crash course will teach you how to read your baby's subtle cues and facial expressions so you can know exactly what they want, and don't want. 


Wouldn't it also be cool for your baby to learn YOUR language?

In fact, all three of my kids were putting short sentences together before their first birthday.


It's very simple. In today's video, I'm going to show you the key to using something called Gestures.

Combined with songs, Gestures are the secret code that help your baby tap into their learning mindset.

And the best part is... It's also fun! 

Help your baby get a leg up on language and communication. You'll thank yourself for it when your baby knows how to tell you they have to poop

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Your baby will sing THIS to their baby


Imagine this: Your baby is all grown up...

They just had a baby of their own, and they're putting their baby to sleep.

They dim the light, start to rock, and begin to sing...

What song do they sing?

Twinkle Twinkle, Rock-a-By Baby, You Are My Sunshine?


They sing the song you wrote for them when they were a baby.

That's right. The song you wrote just for them.

You know why they remember it?

Because it was written by the most important person in their life.

Inside the song are all the magical moments and quirks of your relationship. 

It's silly, and it's filled with personal details that only you notice. 

It makes you cry when you think about it.

Would you like to learn how to write your own song for your baby -- a song they will remember so deeply that they will sing it to their children?

That's what I'm going to teach you in today's video.

And guess what? It's WAY easier than you imagine. And it requires no experience or musical talent.

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My son says THIS is the key to parenting


When my son was 8 he wrote a book called: "Parenting Mistakes Through the Eyes of an 8 Year old." 

You know what?

I learned A LOT from it, including the key to getting through the toughest moments with babies and kids.

It all comes down to Interactive Play. 

In this video I'm going to show you one of the best ways to develop Interactive Play, a skill I call The Tickle Monster Method.

It is a game changer and will help you and your baby develop a "language" of play that can then be used to overcome the toughest parenting moments. 

I learned it from my son's little book, but I wish I had learned it sooner!

The Tickle Monster Method will help you develop the cause and effect relationships that makes play fun and enriching. 

Watch this short video so that you avoid the parenting mistakes that my son wrote about in his amazing little book. 

Stay tuned for more helpful nuggets to make your life with your baby easier and...

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Stop Entertaining Your Baby


Do you feel an endless pressure to entertain and enrich your baby? 

Are you tired of making smiley faces, singing the ABCs, and waving toys in your baby's face?

Let me help you off the stage...

You are not a cruise ship activity director.

Believe it or not, keeping your baby entertained is not your job.

The whole wide world is brand NEW to your baby. They are already entertained and fascinated by everything!

Think of them like little explorers...

Or even better, like MAD SCIENTISTS!

And you are their assistant

This is the basis behind The Explorer Method, one of the amazing skills you will learn inside the Baby in Tune 10-Day Crash Course.

The Explorer Method is a whole new (and liberating) way to parent your newborn that lets you off the hook.

Get a taste of The Explore Method in this short tutorial.

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How to Get Dad Off the Sidelines and Into the Baby Game


Sometimes it feels like you're babysitting two babies. ‍

Have you ever found yourself saying to your partner...

"He's clearly wet and uncomfortable, why haven't you changed him?"
Or "Obviously she's hungry!!"
Or "Honey, don't give up so easy, keep shushing and rocking!"

Sometimes it feels like he just doesn't get it.

But here's the truth...

He does want to connect, he just doesn't know how.

In this video, I share with you the 3 skills that every dad needs to make YOUR life easier.

Your partner will stop seeing his role as a "job" he doesn't understand...

And he will start taking actions in ways that unburdens you and enriches your baby.

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